The scouts have recently gotten together to earn a new merit badge: golf.
Continue ReadingDuring our most recent Court of Honor, 9 new scouts crossed over from Cub Scouts to join Scout Troop 146.
Continue ReadingTroop 146 is glad to welcome its 27th Eagle Scout, Henry.
Continue ReadingThe scouts were lucky to have Mark Smith, an Eagle Scout and accomplished filmmaker, come to speak to them about weather. Many scouts were able to accomplish multiple advancements while also learning about Amelia Earhart (the subject of one of Mark’s movies).
Continue ReadingMany scouts attended an advancement session to complete a variety of requirements to advance in rank. These advancements included everything from tying knots to making useful camp gadgets.
Continue ReadingFour scouts have finished a fifty mile bike ride, which was the last requirement for the biking merit badge. To see more pictures, click here.
Continue ReadingScouts used handheld GPS devices to find several Hoboken geocaches in order to complete First Class requirement 4b.
Continue ReadingScouts went old school on this hike. Instead of GPS, they used maps and compasses!
Continue ReadingScouts are practicing their medical skills for when the zombie apocalypse occurs.
Continue ReadingCouscous was part of the gourmet meal served by our scouts while camping on the Appalachian Trail.
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